Project Description

Kaylena was looking for a new challenge after she earned her CompTIA ITF+ certification (our first female to earn this certification at DRL) and wanted to help her lab run more efficiently. Mr. Hall pointed her to two 3D printers that were not working and asked her to figure it out.

Content: The top 3 things I learned from this showcase were:

The highlights of Kaylena’s learning were around how to be resourceful in finding answers in her troubleshooting adventure. She started with the manufacturer’s websites and the online manuals available. She moved to other online sources. Ultimately, it was through her partnership with a student from another lab that moved things forward. She also gained insight as to how the 3D printer models worked and augmented the spool holder with a 3D printed extension to allow it to function better.

Culture: This project relates or connects to my family, background, peers, community or my own personal interests in these ways:

Kaylena comes from a techie family. Her uncle works in tech as did her grandfather. After Butler Tech’s Sophomore Academy career exploration affirmed her interest in IT and Engineering she chose to pursue a tech career from the IT side. When she started the program, her grandfather gifted her a nice set of tools that she put right to work, including on this project.

Metacognition: In reflection, one thing that I would have done differently during my journey with this showcase is:

For Kaylena, the most challenging part of this project was how to get started. She had to figure out where to go to get answers and learn about each machine and its peculiarities. Through this experience, she has developed a systemic approach to breaking down a challenge and where to find the resources she needs.

Social/Emotional: One thing I am most proud of by completing this showcase is:

Looking back, Kaylena appreciates the challenge of having to figure things out on her own. The frustration and dead ends forced her to be resourceful and leverage not only her ingenuity, but her peers, as well. She is proud to be the lab resident expert on 3D printers.

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