This project contained the following information: why I chose Butler Tech, the significance of Additive Manufacturing, and my plans for the future.
I learned that people appreciate humor during a showcase which spices things up. People know less than you think about my passion and are intrigued by many things I see as small or insignificant. I learned that people at Butler Tech are very caring and supportive towards passions and goals.
This project connects to my family because they have never had a family member in the industry of technology quite like this before. I was excited to show my passion for 3D Printing to the school and hope to show off more of the things I love in the future.
If I did this showcase again, I would create something larger and more intricate to show the crowd. I plan to build a complex device for my next showcase, I just have to think which device would be more captivating to the audience.
I am proud that my family can see my work being shown on a larger scale. My family is extremely happy to see me on my way to becoming successful. I hope to do a future encore showcase.